Acupuncture Now Offered
We are pleased to welcome Laura Camas to our staff. Laura has an undergraduate degree in Women’s Health from Western Washington University. She is nationally board certified through the NCCAOM in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She graduated from the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine in 2008 with a Master’s of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Her training included apprentice-style teaching from Chinese and American Acupuncturists and doctors in a clinically based program. Laura has additional education in trigger point acupuncture for pain management.
Acupuncture can be used for preventative care, and for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. Many patients benefit from acupuncture for a wide range of ailments such as pain disorders, chronically tight muscles, anxiety/depression, sleep disorders, the common cold, gastrointestinal upset, and stress. Acupuncture is covered by most major insurance companies and Laura is a preferred provider with most health insurance companies including Premera, Asuris, Regence blue cross/blue shield, Cigna, Aetna, Group Health Options, United Health, First Choice Health and Providence Health Plan.
Nutritional Counseling with Dr. Dawn Fichter
Nutrition is a foundational building block for the body and today many of us are not eating enough variety or the right foods to sustain our body’s daily demands. Over time this depletes precious reserves and can create fatigue, toxicity and inflammation. Dr. Fichter will work with you to develop a personalized health regimen that will address specific needs by looking at your current health and daily diet. She will then determine if you can benefit from the addition of clinical whole food nutritional supplementation. By correcting imbalances with nutritional support, your body can begin to utilize the necessary nutrients needed to restore healthier function.
“I have spent the last ten years helping my patients restore their health with whole food supplementation. From digestive problems to chronic pain and fatigue, nutritional support is the answer for many people. I look forward to helping you achieve your health goals.” ~Dr. Dawn Fichter
For a limited time only, we are offering an Introductory Nutritional Consultation for $25 Schedule your appointment today!
Technology Coming Soon
Over the next few weeks we will be implementing a new electronic health record software system. You will notice that your paper chart will be replaced with a computerized system. This will not only enable us to more easily maintain your health record but it will allow us to communicate more effectively with your other healthcare practitioners. Please bear with us during this process as it may take a few extra minutes on your visit. We will also be collecting baseline information about your current medications, height, weight and blood pressure. This is something we will only need to do once and not on each subsequent visit. Our goal as always is to provide you with excellent and efficient service. Please let us know how we can better assist you.
New Auto-Remind Service
We can’t help you remember everything, but we can help you remember your next appointment in our office! This is a great new service that will allow us to remind you of your upcoming massage, chiropractic and/or acupuncture appointment via email, phone or text. Please let us know if you would like to take advantage of this new service by providing the front desk with the best contact number or email.